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Not Too Much, Not Too Little: How To Properly Water Your Plants

Watering your plants can seem simple enough and yet the results aren’t always ideal. One of the major causes of the decline of plant health is either too much or...

Watering your plants can seem simple enough and yet the results aren’t always ideal. One of the major causes of the decline of plant health is either too much or too little water. So what is the proper way to water your plants? How much water should you put in and how often? These are some of the basic questions we hope to answer in this basic plant-watering guide.


1) Know your plant type.

First things first, know just how much water your plant needs. Some plants require less watering than others; some plants are extra thirsty. If you are not sure about how much water your plant needs, you can do a little research or reach out to your plant seller and ask them for their recommendations.

Different plants have different watering requirements, thus, different watering schedules. You don’t have to water your plants all at the same time. It is never a good idea to just water plants in a uniform manner. Know your plant’s desired watering schedule by heart. This little piece of extra work will go a long way because your plants will stay healthier and happier if you give them the right amount of water.

2) Water until the roots.

One of the common misconceptions about watering plants is that just wetting the top soil is enough. If you put in water enough to only cover the top surface of the soil, you aren’t allowing enough water to actually reach the roots. Shallow watering often leads to the browning or yellowing of leaves.

If your planter has a draining hole at the bottom, one way to know that you’ve watered until the roots is to wait until the excess water flows out of the draining hole. However, don’t pour in too much water either as these could wash out the nutrients in your soil.

If your pot does not have a draining hole, you can dip a stick until the bottom of the pot and see up to where the moisture leaves a mark. You can also use a moisture meter to check if you have reached the level of the roots.

3) Water according to the weather.

Your plants’ surroundings also play a big part in their watering schedule. Naturally, the hotter and the more humid it is, the faster it is for the soil to dry out, and the more frequent you will need to water your plants. Also, if your plant is located in a bright area with a lot of direct light, your soil will also dry out faster, hence, needing more frequent watering.

However, if the weather is overcast and gloomy, you can check your soil first before watering your plant. The soil will dry slower during these conditions. If your plant is located indoors or in an area with low light, the soil will also tend to dry out slower than in an area with direct sunlight.

4) Pay attention to pot size.

Bigger pots can hold more soil which means they can store more water. Conversely, small pots can hold less soil and water. This means that you can water plants in big planters less often than plants in smaller pots.

Remember to research about your plant’s water requirements. Some plants, like succulents, are kept in small plants but thay don’t like being watered too often.

5) Check the weight of your pot.

If your pot feels a little heavy, this means that moisture is still locked in the soil. However, if it feels lighter or easier to carry than usual, then this means that the moisture has already been absorbed, leaving the soil dry. When the pots feel light, you can consider watering your plant until the root level once more.

6) Check if the leaves are drooping.

Another way to know that your plant may be a little thirsty is to look for droopy leaves. If the entire plant looks “sad” or hunched over, it might need a little water refill. Some leaves are bigger and heavier than others and that is why they appear droopy. However, if the leaves are consistent in size but appear bent over, then it may be a sign that your plant is asking for some water!

Follow these guidelines and you’ll improve how you water your plants in no time. If all else fails, you can always dip your finger about 3 inches deep to check if the soil is still moist or totally dry.

Moisture meters can also help you, but take note that some moisture meters are not as accurate as they appear. So the best thing to do is to know these simple pointers by heart so you’ll never be left without a clue about when and how to properly water your plants.


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